
To improve the lives of our Patients, help them get back to their normal life. To be part of the manufacturing community producing life-saving devices but also protecting our planet. Because EVERY LIFE MATTERS. Our Beliefs reflect who we are, what we stand for and how we act.



Eurosets recently initiated an organizational transformation to promote a PATIENT CENTRIC CULTURE, and this is what drives us to ensure the highest quality standards, improve productivity and efficiency and to encourage cross-functional collaboration.

We constantly remind ourselves, in our everyday work and in everything that we do, both individually and collectively, that we are just one link in a much larger chain, where the ultimate goal is for medical professionals to save the lives of patients.



EUROSETS sees itself as part of a world community that wants to do its part in protecting the environment. The environmental aspect is therefore an area of primary importance for us and one of our fundamental corporate goals is to lower consumption and embrace environmental compatibility.

EUROSETS has consequently made significant efforts in opting for eco-friendly solutions, from reducing its impact by means of alternative energy solutions, to using plastic free packaging whenever possible.

For EUROSETS, “Every Life Matters” not only means focusing on producing life saving devices, but also on preserving our eco system; and as a company that is aware of its responsibilities, we get our suppliers and customers involved in the conversation regarding sustainability.

Our new cardboard eco-packaging is mainly made of recycled material and is 100% recyclable Because protecting the planet we live on can save millions of lives.

Certified quality

Eurosets operates with an integrated management system for quality and the environment according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, paying attention to the assessment of risks and opportunities connected to the company results and adopting an approach based on the continuous improvement of products, processes and its own performances.

Eurosets‘ commitment ranges from customer satisfaction, to the people who work in the company, to the economic-social and environmental context in which it operates.


Eco-Friendly solutions
Our eco-packaging

We are a team of professionals with heterogeneous skills, dealing with fluidic, mechanics, electric and electronic design and development, verification and validation of the devised solutions.

Our work is possible only through a very tight collaboration with all the other company’s departments, which design all the product’s features with us, and the physicians and health care professionals, who allow us to understand the priorities for the patients.

The common goal, which motivates us in our work, is to see our commitment as a tool to improve patients’ health and help physicians and health care professionals with new and less invasive therapies


Respect and protection of people who work in the company

Since the inauguration of the new Eurosets facility, the sustainability has been an essential part of the company strategy.

Eurosets is an environmentally sustainable facility, which is in line with our beliefs.

Our daily commitment to save energy is achieved through our green approach and the implementation of various solutions:

  • Solar panel
  • A rooftop garden as insulator
  • Rainwater recovery system to water the gardens
  • LED lighting
  • Highly insulated walls.

Improving employee’s quality of life, the Company is located between two bicycle paths that allow workers to commute to work by bicycle.



A new Trigeneration Plant was installed in 2019. The Eurosets system operates on methane and is powered by an electrical generator.

As the motor rotates it also produces thermal energy that, when properly transferred, can partly provide heat for the factory and it also powers a heat-exchanger to produce cold water for air conditioning: this is why it’s called a trigenerator.

In doing this, the trigenerator uses 80% of the energy produced.

However, that’s not all: the entire company was designed taking in consideration energy savings and sustainability, with hanging gardens to naturally insulate the facility, a rainwater collection system for irrigation, interior gardens that allow for an optimum level of daylight every day, and LED lighting powered by solar panels.

Respect for the environment

Bosco Martino

In 2021, the new Bosco Martino was inaugurated, a green area of ​​the Municipality of Medolla redeveloped thanks to a special agreement signed between Eurosets and the Municipality of Medolla.

The project was born as compensation for the privatization of part of the nearby urbanization areas (portion of road, parking lots, maneuvering areas and flower beds).

The project – conceived and created by the architect Luca Silvestri of the Inhabito studio together with the technical office of the Municipality of Medolla and a team of naturalist ecologists – today sees over 5,500 square meters of redeveloped forest that stands next to the cycle path, implemented by an area with tables and seats also accessible to people with disabilities or reduced mobility, bicycle racks, public lighting, water point, all child-friendly.

The area is also a place for environmental and naturalistic educational projects.

The schools of Medolla and their students are involved in guided activities, thanks to the collaboration with naturalists and local associations, to discover their territory and the importance of environmental protection of the local variety. Preserving territorial biodiversity is in fact another key point of the Bosco Martino redevelopment project.

Commitment to the community


Eurosets joins #WeCare, a project involving over a dozen entrepreneurs in its territory, who have decided to join together to create a value chain between businesses, citizens, institutions and to jointly support the development and quality of life of people living in the biomedical district.

The project was born from the need to guarantee the community important services, including sociality, childhood and transport.
To date, the companies participating in the group are: Qura, Livanova, Encaplast, Eurosets, Acea Costruzioni, AeC Costruzioni, HMC, Fresenius Kabi, Haemotronic, Autocarrozzeria Imperiale, Mold&Mold, Pavani Group and Innova Finance.

The first #WeCare initiative to be successful was a fundraiser, thanks to which 10 thousand euros were collected, to be allocated to three structures and associations that operate in Mirandola: the Anffas association, which deals with people with disabilities; the Noah’s Ark nursery at the Don Riccardo Adani private school and the Belli and Monelli nursery in Mirandola.

Qura, Encaplast, Pavani Group, HMC, Eurosets, Acea Costruzioni, AeC Costruzioni, Mold&Mold, Autocarrozzeria Imperiale and Innova Finance participated.
“Sharing and cooperation are the key to success for a territory like ours.

People, as well as companies, should not limit themselves to their own activities but should cooperate with each other to achieve ever better results.

And this is precisely why we support and participate in the #WeCare project” – Mario Calzolari, Operation Director Eurosets.